2.5 months left!

I was going to update this blog diligently when I started it 3 years ago….but I just stink at updating regularly.

But I want to make a list of things that i’m going to miss……………………..

Will keep updating as they come to me.

but today, after teaching Korean class to 10 middle aged ladies….i realized how blessing it was to get the class started…to meet these wonderful ladies…to be able to even teach Korean.  i’m so humbled that they come out so regularly and they enjoy the lessons. although one lady kinda dozed off last class while we were reviewing some words. lol

So things i’m gonna miss!

– Korean class ladies

-My precious students that sing One Direction songs by heart during break time

-Natto!!-Speaking and hearing Japanese all day

-Having Wednesday afternoons off (1/2 day!!)


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