Arm Wrestling Match and ramblings

Yesterday was the school assembly where all students gathered at the gym and did some recreational activity.  And the activity was…………………….

arm wrestling match!Image

Each class  had one girl and one boy winners and they arm wrestled against other grades.  2nd year girl became the girl champion and a 1st year boy became the boy champion. And this picture is the final round.  This first year boy was so strong. He won all the games as if it was a joke.  He does Aikido……..some type of martial arts….maybe that’s why?  It was so fun watching all the kids arm wrestle each other….but, one boy apparently broke his elbow and had to go to the hospital. tsk tsk.

While they were doing the matches, the class officers put on One Direction songs….and the whole school was singing along. LOL  That’s right. I introduced them the One Direction craziness.

Anyway, I took the bus to school yesterday b/c it was raining, and the after school teacher that i lovee told me she could drive me home. She always gives me a lift, so I felt bad about it and told her it’s okay.  And she told me you are dirtying the water. What?  o_O

In Japan, when a close friend treats you like a stranger, they say, “Mizu Kusai,” which means rotting water.  B/c siblings and family are referred to as blood and friends and acquaintances as water…..and i guess me telling her not to give me a ride was “dirtying” the water.

Anyway, this teacher (she’s a retired English teacher), she’s so sarcastic…and i LOVE it. While we were walking to the car, I asked her if it’s supposed to rain tomorrow too…..and since she knows  I never check the weather….she says in English, “Why do you never check the weather?  You are so primitive.”

LOL!  Did she just call me primitiveeee?

I guess I am…………………

i never check the weather……..i don’t have a smart phone………and I don’t have FB! haha

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