Gangnam Style finally hitting Japan?

So ever since Gangnam Style was “in”, (which was last year summer?) I wanted to talk to my students about it, but none of my Japanese students knew about it….

But the other day, my first year Junior high boys started singing “op op op op oppan gangnam style.”  SO funny!  They dance to it and sing it randomly during class when they are doing individual work….and they’ve been asking me to download the MV so they can watch it on the digital board during break time…haha  dunno if i should….but i can finally talk to them about it and DANCE w/ them. =D  It must be just the first year boys though…..

On the other hand, my other classes are into One Direction these days……I showed them “What Makes You Beautiful” MV and one boy got soo into it, that he bought the CD and has been stalking One D like crazy….he was telling me today who dated who and broke up with who and how the One D members had a fight….lol  They watch the MV before and after class….i’m surprised that it’s a boy who’s all into One D though…..

and thanks to Gracie Poo who got me bunch of teeny bopper magazines….they’ve been looking at the One D pictures in the magazines over and over. haha

Anyway, in my junior high first year class, there’s a running joke about Takoyaki…it’s pretty funny…Takoyaki is Japanese food….it’s ball-shaped and got octopus pieces inside.  Everyone likes Takoyaki in Japan…i don’t think i have met anyone who dislikes it here…

So whenever the kids get a chance, they try to incorporate Takoyaki into the lesson.  For example–

“Can you eat 100 Takoyaki?”

“Do you like eating Takoyaki?”

“How many Takoyaki can you eat?”

And today, during the lesson, kids had to act out something, and their partner had to guess what they were doing…so one kid volunteered and I knew he was gonna continue the running joke and he did…he acted out eating Takoyaki….”um…you are eating Takoyaki!!”

So every time i go to their class, i have crazy cravings for Takoyaki….

Maybe I’ll get some next time i see a Takoyaki shop.


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