The weather has gotten really cold lately…=(

which means the beginning of the kairo season (heat packs).

Today we had SDC (Skills Development Conference) instead of normal teaching day.   SDC is a training/workshop conference where all the ALTs in the Kochi prefecture gather together.  I like SDC ’cause it’s something different than just going to school.

So in the morning, other ALT in my town was coming to pick me up with the BOE car and I witnessed something very cute/funny.  ’cause it was just the time for the elementary school kids to go to school, I saw my students walk by……and I saw one first grader just taking off his backpack and everything he was holding and doing a crazy dance. LOL  At first I had NO idea what he was doing, but apparently he was trying to take off the heat pack he was wearing on his back.  The kind of heat pack he had on was the attaching kind, so no matter how hard you “dance” it wouldn’t just come off.  He tried to take it off ’cause his hands were freezing and he wanted to hold them, instead of having it on his back.  After I helped him take it off, he tried to hold it…but you are really not supposed to directly hold it ’cause it might cause low-heat sunburn….this kid was so frustrated already from having to dance so hard….and from the cold weather……so when I told him this, he went, “then just stick it on my arm!” haha He was really getting angry, almost crying, b/c his hands were freezing. =(  I had gloves so my hands were warm…so i held his hands for a bit….but i don’t think that helped… he walked away grumpily…angry at the cold weather. haha  I know he was being serious, but just the sight of all this was hilarious….hope he remembers to wear gloves next time. So that crazy dance started my day off w/ a smile………..but it doesn’t end there!

During last year’s SDC, there were some veteran ALTs who facilitated discussions, and I remember thinking, it’d be great if I could do something like that.  It’s weird ’cause I like doing things in front of people, but at the same time really shy about it.  But this year, the ALT who’s in charge of helping out with the conference asked me randomly to facilitate a discussion. =D  I thought I would get nervous, but I really enjoyed doing it and it turned out to be better than I thought it would be.  hee  I guess what I’m trying to say is….God remembered what I desired in my heart and He made it happen!  This always happens….when I first came to Japan, one ALT from Kochi met us newbies in Tokyo and brought us back to Kochi, and I remember thinking, it’d be fun to do something like that…and I did just that this summer! I applied for the position, thinking I won’t get it, but I ended up getting it and was able to bring the newbies back to Kochi. =D  God is good yeah?

More things to be thankful for!!  An ALT in my town got his bike stolen a couple of weeks ago, and it was an expensive bike.  So when I found out about it, I prayed that God will help him find it….and this morning, on the way to SDC, I remembered about his bike being stolen and I prayed about it again…and GUESS WHAT?  That ALT got a phone call during the SDC that the police found the bike. =D 

Some people might say that it’s just a coincidence, but I believe that everything that happens is under God’s great sovereign control, and I know that God answered my prayer.


Booyah. haha

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