lunch time w/ the first graders

I had lunch w/ the cute first graders today and it was the cutest thing ever.  First graders take forever eating lunch so the teacher puts up the time limit and kids have to try to finish eating within that time.  While eating, all the kids were giggling and staring at me so i gave them my funny face and they burst out laughing. I guess i didn’t help them eat any faster. 

But one of the boys turned to the homeroom teacher and said, “Sensei, i’m gonna turn on my engine.”  At first I was like…wah?  engine?  but right after he said this, he started to eat super fast. lol He continued for awhile…stopped…turned to the teacher again and said, “Sensei, I bit my tongue.” haha SO CUTE. 

I’m so thankful that I’m working in Japan and that I get to meet these precious students.

Talking about precious students, I ran into my ex-student today in the city.  I was walking w/ my friend, and some guy that looked like my ex-student was walking in front of me.  I kept staring at him to see if it was him, but thought I was mistaken and just kept talking to my friend.  But surely enough, after about 10 minutes of walking, he turns around and says, “HYEMI SENSEI” haha I asked him what he was doing, and he said he saw me at the train station and walked along with me for 10 minutes just to make sure that it was me so that he could say hi to me. How sweet is that?? He was gonna take the train home, but walked out of his way just to say hi….That really made my day. Normal highschoolers won’t do that….i don’t think….too cool for teachers. lol

Anyway, i’m so confused what to do next year! T__T I thought i wanted to go home…..but days like this really make me wanna stay. SIGH. Pray for me?

One response to “lunch time w/ the first graders

  1. aww both the first grade boy and the high schooler boy are so cute ><!
    i'll pray that God gives you clarity and certainty about where to go next! SEE. YOU. SOON. ❤

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